A seamless tapestry of art, music and sound.


If you manage to block out all sound, you will have no trouble looking around at the warp and woof of the world, but you will feel an outsider, detached from the goings on. Sound puts us into the picture, or makes the picture more than an image. As the Inuit asks the visitor coming in out of the cold: speak so that I may see you. Add a voice, even a whisper, so that the other is really there. — David Rothenberg

Hello and welcome to Artfulsounds.

This website collects sound design projects that I have created during the last four and a half years of graduate studies in the Arts and Technology program at The University of Texas at Dallas. The works represented here include writing music and putting sound effects to art as well as film. My undergraduate degree in music complements my study of arts and technology.

We have all had our own experiences of the power of sound. In the exhilarating heart of a thunderstorm, the community of voices around a woodland lake or in the gentle ambience of a neighborhood, we find our place in something larger than ourselves. Often, we notice our soundscapes only in passing. At other times, we sink in deeply and reap the rewards of connection, feeling a context within which humanity’s dance is but a peculiarly inattentive piece of the whole. Attention to sound can seem to make us more present. Sound is connective. It is physical, emotional, and direct in ways that sight alone can never quite be.

Enjoy this website, visit often, as I continue to add to my collection.


Roxanne Minnish

P.S.  If you are interested in viewing my photography, please visit minnishphoto.com.

Comments on: "About" (3)

  1. All around, over all EXCELLENT!!

  2. That’s a mold-breaker. Great thikinng!

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